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Student Council Meetings

Student Council meets once a month, to discuss all proposed policy and anything else that falls under their remit! Non-councillors can come along and attend as non-voting members. Find all the meeting dates on our events page

The Student officers are accountable to YOU so take a look at the Student Council Minutes which detail what was discussed at every Student Council meeting. If there's a Student Council meeting coming up soon then the agenda will be uploaded below.  


Student Council Updates

The Student Council is an elected body of student representatives whose main duties include setting policy for the Students' Union, discussing academic representation, holding sabbatical officers to account, reviewing and making recommendations regarding the Union's draft budget, and reviewing the Union's progress towards achieving its strategic goals. All full members of the Students' Union can attend meetings of the Student Council. Any full member of the Students' Union may also submit business to be considered by the Student Council and/or request to speak at Student Council meetings, subject to relevant bye-laws. 


The next meeting of the Student Council is on 

5th February 2025 18.00-20.00

This meeting will be held in Room AG33 on Horsforth Campus. 



If you are interested in any of the above, including attending this Student Council meeting, please book a space with the ticket below:



 For any questions regarding Student Council please email Representation & Democracy Co-ordinator 



2023-24 Agenda and Minutes


13th November 2023       Agenda  /  Minutes 

27th November 2023      Agenda  /  Minutes 

19th February 2024         Agenda  /  Minutes 

20th May 2024                 Agenda  /  Minutes (Awaiting Approval)



Past Student Council Meetings

You can view all minutes from past Student Council Meetings in our Minutes Archive.


Student Executive Committee Minutes

Student Executive Committee includes the President, Vice President, Council Chair and two further members elected 



14th February 23

20th December 22


30th March 22

14th December 21


16th June 21

22nd Feb 21

19th November 20



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