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I am the International Students Officer, I will play a crucial role in supporting and advocating for the needs and interests of the international student community. I will act as the voice of international students, ensuring that their concerns and ideas are heard and addressed. 

My main responsibilities include: 

  1. Organise and host events and activities that celebrate the diversity of the international student community. 

  1. Provide support and resources to international students to help them navigate their university experience both academically and socially. 

  1. Represent the international student community at student union meetings and events.  

  1. And much more, my role allows me to Be the Change


I will act as the voice of international students, ensuring that their concerns and ideas are heard and addressed. I will take this chance to make a lasting positive impact on campus. 


If you're interested in the role please email Debbie, our Representation and Democracy Co-ordinator at LTSUVoice@leedstrinity.ac.uk


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