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Amy Kiani


As the Interfaith Officer at LTSU, I will play a crucial role in fostering interfaith relations and creating a welcoming environment for students of all religions, beliefs, and cultural backgrounds. I will be the voice for the diverse beliefs represented in your student community. 

My main responsibilities include: 

  1. Working with student groups and organisations to create interfaith events and initiatives that promote unity and respect for all beliefs.  

  1. Represent the interfaith community in student government meetings and work with other members of the student council and student union to ensure that the needs of all students are met.  

  1. Develop and implement programs and initiatives to support students of different faiths to create an inclusive campus. 

  1. And much more, my role allows me to Be the Change

I have a passion for promoting interfaith relations and a commitment to diversity and inclusivity. I will take this chance to bring people together and create a more united and supportive student community.  



Student Council is a part-time role. If your enquiry is urgent please contact the SU at student.union@leedstrinity.ac.uk


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