#CampaignUpdate November 2020
Asking Malcolm Todd (Deputy Vice Chancellor) for confirmation of finances to help run the campaign. This is hopefully either going ot run at the start of the new year or through the online store, people can request products.
#CampaignUpdate October 2020
Sourced Sustainable Sanitary Products that would fit going into Toilets on campus, also looking into depository boxes.
#CampaignUpdate September 2020
After Confirmation of funding from University Exec Team last Academic year we are awaiting Grant from University to support implementing them into toilets.
Access to sanitary products is important for all people who menstruate. The Free Sanitary Products campaign is a step towards more inclusive periods for everyone.
The SU was granted permission to give free sanitary products in the toilets on campus. Products would be available to all those who menstruate and are placed in female, male and gender-neutral toilets to ensure access for all.
This movement will continue in the upcoming semester.
Union Notes
1. Sanitary items are necessary for health and hygiene
2. Various pieces of research have estimated the average cost per year of having a period is anything from £128 - £492 1 2 3 depending on a variety of factors
3. There are currently no provisions in place on campus to support students with the costs of sanitary products
4. There are not currently sanitary bins available in every toilet on campus
5. There are no machines in bathrooms on campus, meaning that someone has to leave the bathroom and go outside to purchase sanitary products if they are needed at short notice
6. Across the country a variety of SU’s have found different way to reduce or remove the cost of sanitary products on campus (Sussex, Sunderland, Leeds, Wrexham Glyndr, Bristol, UEA, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Lancaster, Leicester, Newcastle, Manchester, St. Andrews, Stirling, Sussex + more.) 4
Union Believes
1. No-one should incur a financial penalty for having a period - The cost of sanitary products is an unfair burden.
2. The costs of a period can hit students particularly hard as they are often struggling to make ends meet. This problem is even more severe for working class students
3. Sanitary products should be as a principle free.
4. The costs may also vary from person to person, dependent on a variety of factors. Cheap and/or free sanitary products can at least alleviate some of this burden
Union Resolves
1. To lobby the university to have a bin placed in every toilet cubicle on campus.
2. To lobby the university and explore the possibility of having a machine or a dispenser in every bathroom on campus
3. To sell sanitary products in the SU shop at the lowest possible price which is not loss-making
4. To mandate the Vice President at relevant lobbying meetings with the university
5. Have you been helped by the outcome of this campaign. Share your story with us.
1. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/09/03/women-spend-thousands-on-periods-tampontax_n_8082526.html
2. https://www.bloodygoodperiod.com/#intro
3. https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/period-poverty-is-real-but-the-average-woman-isnt-spending500-a-year-on-menstruation
4. https://www.sunderlandsu.co.uk/freeperiods ,https://www.sussexstudent.com/ents/event/1769/ , https://www.luu.org.uk/news/archive/its-free-period-in-your-union/ , https://www.bristolsu.org.uk/campaigns/freeperiods , https://www.uea.su/pageassets/democracy/unionpolicy/2028-Sanitary-Products-are-not-a-Luxury.pdf , https://thetab.com/uk/student/2016/03/18/10-students-unions-give-free-tampons-1864 , https://www.glyndwr.ac.uk/en/AboutGlyndwrUniversity/Newsandmediacentre/Latestnews/News/Studentsw orktotackleperiodpoverty/