About Us

Set up a new society with help from your Students' Union

Before you submit the form below here is a little about the process;

1. Step one

Submit your idea through our form:
New Club/Society Form - Page 1 of 2 (Club/Society details) (forms-db.com), or speak directly to our Activities Coordinator, via email LTSUsocieties@leedstrinity.ac.uk.

2. Step two

The Student Activities Committee [6 Elected students and Vice President as Chair} decide if your request meets the minimum requirements.

*Minimum requirements;

  • 3 committee members (Inc. Chair & Treasurer)
  • 7 other students interested in becoming members
  • No conflict with our core values
  • No duplicates of other societies

3. Step three

Once passed the Activities Coordinator meets, trains and supports you as a new SU volunteer.

4. Step four

You run your new society 


Claim Expenses

You need to be a member to claim expenses against this Society.