How are clubs & societies run?
Clubs and Societies are run by students who have been elected by their peers. Your Students' Union trains and supports these volunteers.
About us
Every year we compete in the British Universities and College Sports (BUCS) leagues. We have 5 teams and a Development team which play competitively and on a social level.
We are always open to new members of all abilities and have specific training sessions aimed at different levels. Training is important for the club as it allows us to bond as players and gain relationships throughout the University.
As a social club, we pride ourselves on organising several events and socials throughout the season which allows our players to bond away from football. With a different theme at every social event, they are always a great way to break the ice with players you may not have met before.
Development is a huge focus for our club, no matter your ability, we look at how we can develop all our members through consistent training sessions and coaching strategies implemented by our more than capable Coach and Captains.
There is more than enough opportunities to become heavily involved in the biggest club on campus. We offer a chance for you to better yourself whilst keeping fit and having a good laugh with friends for life.
I am interested, what do I do?
For now, just express an interest by signing up for the FREE "I am Interested membership" on the right hand side of this page. A committee member will then contact you directly with further information on the restart of activity.
Follow us:
Instagram: @LeedsTrinityFC
YouTube: TASC TV
Website: https://www.pitchero.com/clubs/leedstrinitymensfootballclub