How To Survive Freshers


How To Survive Freshers


Getting to know people

Your first year in university can be quite a daunting experience, especially when you are unfamiliar with the people around you. In this case the first thing to do would be getting to know your flatmates. You are going to be around your flatmates for the year so the best thing to do is show interest. Alot of past students have created a group chat as a way of finding more about one another. The key is to socialise: go out for food and drinks, have a movie or game night, make a meal together...! 

Freshers Events

One of the best ways to meet new people during Freshers' Week is by joining as many events as you can! These events offer a fantastic opportunity to connect with others, make new friends, and even meet fellow students from your course. It's a great way to expand your social circle beyond just your flatmates. Plus, they're loads of fun! So, dive in and make the most of every event—it's the perfect start to your university journey.

Know your limits.

Despite all this fun and excitement, freshers' week can get a little overwhelming. While social events are planned on every day or night of the week, you don't have to attend them all. It's a good idea to build in time for yourself during this busy schedule of events.

Also, because of its boozy culture, freshers' week could also feel a little excluding for the introverted or teetotal.

If you're not a drinker, our freshers' weeks now include no-alcohol nights out as part of their schedule and most universities have their own sober societies.

Activities planned include book fairs, donut sampling, and crafternoon's, bringing together students of a similar lifestyle who may find the stereotypically alcohol-fuelled student culture alienating.  

Find help and support.

While some students sail through freshers' week, others will find adjusting to university life more difficult. If you fall into the latter category, it's important to know that you won't be the only one feeling anxious, stressed, or experiencing homesickness.

If welcome week isn't working for you, don't suffer in silence. All universities have dedicated and friendly welcome teams, so talk to them if you're feeling a little lost. These teams are on hand to listen without judgement, suggest events that might work for you and signpost you to the right people if you're in need of further support.

Freshers' week can be a stressful time if you're struggling to make friends or fit in but remember that this one week doesn't have to define the rest of your university experience. Once teaching starts things usually get easier, as you'll meet course-mates and fall into a routine.