Graduated! Now what?


I've Graduated! Now what?


Hey there, freshly minted graduates! 

First off, congratulations! You've just crossed a major milestone, and it's time to toss those caps in the air and celebrate all the hard work that got you here. But now what? If you're staring at your degree wondering what on earth you’re supposed to do next, don’t worry. We’ve got your back. Here’s a fun guide to navigating post-grad life and figuring out your next steps.


1. Take a Breather

You've been hitting the books, cramming for exams, and churning out papers for years. It’s totally okay to take a little break. Whether it's a weekend getaway, a staycation binge-watching your favorite shows, or a much-deserved nap marathon, give yourself some time to recharge. Trust us, you’ve earned it!

Browse through some of our favourites here: TV Shows (July 2024) | Rotten Tomatoes


2. Reflect and Daydream 

Grab a cozy spot and a cup of your favorite beverage. It’s time to reflect on what you’ve achieved and daydream about your future. What excites you? What makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning? Whether it's traveling the world, diving into a creative project, or starting a business, let your imagination run wild. 

Our friends at Mind have some amazing tips and tricks: Relaxation tips - Mind


3. Polish That Resume 

Now that you've had some time to chill, it's time to get down to business. Update your resume with all those shiny new skills and experiences you've gained. Don’t forget to add any internships, volunteer work, or projects you’re proud of. And hey, throw in some personality! Employers love a resume that stands out from the crowd. Remember you can always drop by Careers and Placements for some help and advice! Graduate Employment:

Prospects have some handy tips for CV writing: How to write a CV |


4. Network Like a Pro

You know all those people you’ve met over the years? Professors, classmates, and even that friendly barista who always gets your coffee just right? It's time to reconnect. Networking isn’t just about landing a job; it's about building relationships. Attend alumni events, join professional groups on social media, and don’t be afraid to ask for advice. You never know where a conversation might lead. Linkedin is great for this! Read more here: LinkedIn for Students and Future Graduates


5. Explore Your Options 

The world is your oyster, and there are so many paths you can take. Consider different career options, further education, or even gap year opportunities. Research industries that interest you and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Sometimes the best opportunities come from unexpected places.


6. Learn New Skills

Just because you’re done with Uni doesn’t mean you should stop learning. There are tons of online courses and workshops available to help you gain new skills or deepen existing ones. Whether it’s coding, digital marketing, or creative writing, continuous learning can give you an edge in the job market and keep your brain buzzing.

National Careers Service have pulled together some places where you can power up your skills: Where to find free online learning | National Careers Service


7. Keep a Positive Attitude

The job hunt can be tough, and there will be moments of doubt. But keep your chin up! Remember, every rejection is just a step closer to the right opportunity. Surround yourself with positive vibes and people who lift you up. Celebrate small victories and keep moving forward.

Calm is a great app for helping you wth your wellbeing here are some of their tips to keeping you relaxed and positive

How to be more positive? Try these 10 positive mindset tips — Calm Blog


8. Embrace Change and Flexibility

Life after graduation is full of changes. You might move to a new city, start a different job than you planned, or find your passion in an unexpected place. Embrace these changes with an open mind and be flexible. Adaptability is a superpower in today’s ever-changing world.


9. Have Fun!

Last but definitely not least, have fun! This is an exciting time in your life, full of possibilities. Pursue hobbies, make new friends, and enjoy the journey. Your career is important, but so is your happiness. Make time for the things that bring you joy.

So there you have it, fresh grads! Take a deep breath, dive into this new chapter with enthusiasm, and remember: the best is yet to come. The world is ready for your talents, and you’re more than ready to shine.


Good luck, and go conquer the world!