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Your Health Matters


Your well-being is our top concern at the Advice Centre. Your health isn't just important—it's the core of your potential and happiness. Count on us to support you in building a thriving future. Your health matters, and we're here for you every step of the way.

We've put together some information to help but remember if you need to speak to someone book an appointment with us. 

Your SU Advice opening hours are 09:00 to 17:00 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

If your having trouble booking an appointment please contact SUAdvice@leedstrinity.ac.uk , and we can make  arrange an appointment for you.


Emergency Support


If you are feeling suicidal during university working hours, you can visit the Students’ Union and Mental Health and Wellbeing Team (You can make a referral via the MyLTU App).

  • For outside of working hours, Student Support Duty Managers are available on campus every day until 5.00am (9.00am – 5am Monday to Friday and 12.00pm – 5.00am Saturday to Sunday to respond to incidents and support students.

You can also ring The Samaritans on 0113 245 6789 (Until 9:00 PM)

If these options are not available to you, you should call the emergency services on 999.


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Mental Health and Wellbeing Team 

Mental Health

Finding Your GP

Sexual Health

Sexual Assualt

Quit Smoking

Drug Harm Reduction

Alcohol Harm Reduction

Self Help


Mental Health and Wellbeing Team


If you are experiencing personal, emotional or psychological issues which are impacting on your mental health, you may wish to access the university’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Team.

Some of the most common things that students go to team to address are:

  • academic problems, including loss of motivation
  • anxiety
  • bereavement
  • depression
  • difficulties with sexuality
  • eating disorders
  • loneliness, or homesickness
  • low, or lost, self- confidence
  • sexual problems
  • stress.

Take out the repletion of Samaritans lower down the page.


Mental Health


Studying and living at university can be stressful for many students, and it is very common for students to struggle with their mental health. Most commonly this is anxiety and/or depression, but can sometimes be other forms of mental ill-health.

Recognising problems early and seeking support quickly are a major factor when effectively managing your mental health.

At the SU Advice service, we have staff who are experienced in supporting students that are beginning to struggle with their mental health. We encourage you to visit us if you have any worries, and may need to talk to someone.


What to expect from us

A major part of students seeing us about mental health is for us to fully understand your situation, and (if needed) signpost you to the appropriate clinical services in the local area.

Some common services used by our students:

Your local GP

Eating Disorder Services in Leeds such as Beat Eating DisordersMore info 

Specialist Alcohol and Drug Support Services such as Forward Leeds: More info

Mind :More info

Leeds Nightline: More info


What to expect from your GP

In almost all cases of seeking support for your mental health, your GP will clinically assess you and then decide on the best course of support for you. In most cases, your GP will feel happy to support you, but they sometimes may recommend that you seek more specialist support. This can often include a referral to the Improving Access to Psychological Therapy teams in Leeds.


Registering with a GP Practice

Registering with a GP whilst at university is essential.

If you live at home during your studies, you will not need to register with a local GP as you can only register with one GP Practice at a time.


Find your local GP


For students living in halls or rented accommodation, the best way to register with a local GP is to click on  More info


If you are feeling suicidal during university working hours, you can visit the Students’ Union and Student Support.

For outside of working hours, you can ring The Samaritans on 0113 245 6789 (Until 9:00 PM)

If these options are not available to you, you should call the emergency services on 999.


Worried about someone else?

'Are you worried that a friend, family member or colleague is behaving differently? We all have mental health in the same way that we all have physical health. But it can be much harder to know if someone is experiencing problems with their mental wellbeing.' - MindWell. More information about how to support others you are concerned about can be found on the MindWell website.

Who can I speak to about mental health issues?


There are a number of services available to students who feel they are suffering with mental health issues.

SU Advice is a common first point of call, as is Student Support. The university also offers a Counselling Service, and the Mental Health and Wellbeing Team is now open and can be contacted online.

You can book an appointment with Matt Nunnerley (Student Adviser).

Seeing your GP about any concerns around your mental health is usually the effective method of accessing specialist mental health support in Leeds.



If you are experiencing personal, emotional or psychological issues which are impacting on your mental health, you may wish to access the universities counselling and wellbeing services.

Some of the most common things that students go to counsellors to address are:

  • academic problems, including loss of motivation
  • anxiety
  • bereavement
  • depression
  • difficulties with sexuality
  • eating disorders
  • loneliness, or homesickness
  • low, or lost, self- confidence
  • sexual problems
  • stress.

If you wish to speak to a counsellor, you should speak to Student Support.


This is a student-led, confidential listening service which offers emotional supper and information for students in Leeds.

Contact: 0113 3801285.

The line is available 8pm-8am.


This service is a 24 hour telephone line for people experiencing immediate distress and trained operators are available to talk to.

Contact: 0113 2456789.


If you are looking for more support and help MindWell provide a variety of resources that you can access for free to get help. 


Sexual Health


Some people have sex, some don’t. Some choose to wait, some don’t. It’s your body and so entirely your choice, and whatever you choose is fine. The important thing is that you should only have sex if you feel that you’re comfortable and ready to have it.

If you do choose to have sex, that’s fine – just remember that you owe it to both yourself and your partner to be safe.

Condoms are probably the easiest form of contraception to access, and are the only form of contraception (except for abstinence) that can protect you against Sexually Transmitted Infections as well as unwanted pregnancy. Condoms come in different types, sizes and even flavours.

Good quality condoms, in general, are around 98-99% effective, but again effectiveness relies upon them being applied/used correctly. Using a good water-based lube (lubricant) can also both heighten the sensation and, more importantly, reduce friction and reduce the chances of the condom breaking. NB always use a water-based lube, NOT an oil-based lube. You can pick up free condoms and water-based lube from SU Advice confidentially.

For more information about condoms, including the different kinds available and how to safely & correctly use them, visit SU advice.

Where can I find information on sexual health?


Yorkshire MESMAC provides counselling, consultation, condoms and lubricant, HIV testing and many more services in Leeds and surrounding Yorkshire areas. The clinic is run for LGBT+/Trans/Non-binary people but the website is open to all.

Leeds Sexual Health lists all of the free sexual health services available in Leeds.


The Leeds Centre for Sexual Health/GUM (NHS Service)

– Available to all ages

Specialises in providing sexual health services, including the investigation and treatment of all sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS. Provides sexual health advice, information, education and counselling available. Confidential service.

The Centre for Sexual Health, Merrion Centre -1st Floor, 50 Merrion Way, Leeds, LS2 8NG

Tel: 0113 392 0333


Marie Stopes International Leeds Centre

Contraception, emergency contraception, pregnancy testing, abortion, vasectomy, Chlamydia testing, Well Woman screening, Well Man screening, Company Health screening, cervical cancer vaccination

45 Barrack Road, Leeds, LS7 4AB

24-hour helpline: 0845 300 8090

Email: services@mariestopes.org.uk


British Pregnancy Advisory Service

Abortion care, emergency contraception, free pregnancy testing and vasectomy services.

3rd Floor, 7 Eastgate, Leeds, LS2 7LY

Tel: 0345 730 4030 (24 hours)

You can also pick up free condoms and find information on local services and CASH Clinics (Contraception and Sexual Health Clinics) and from the Leeds Beckett Students' Union Advice Service on the first floor of the Student Union Building, Civic Quarter.


Where can I get emergency contraception

You can take emergency contraception up to 72 hours after unprotected sex. If you need emergency contraception and are under 25 you can get this for free from some pharmacies in Leeds. If you are over 25 and go to a pharmacy for emergency contraception you may have to pay for it. However, anyone can obtain free emergency contraception from their GP or from their local CASH Clinic.


Sexual Assault/Rape


'What to do if you or a friend have been raped or sexually assaulted. Advice and guidance on your next steps and choices.

There is no time limit on which to report a rape or sexual assault to the police.  If you would like to discuss this, please contact our Independent Sexual Violence Advocacy team on 0113 2002930 or email advocacy@sarsvl.org.uk and one of our Independent Sexual Violence Advocates (ISVA) can talk through your options and the police reporting through to court process.' - Support After Rape Leeds

Find out more. 


Quit Smoking


From day 1 of stopping smoking, you start to improve your health and reduce the risk of smoking-related illnesses. Your GP can help provide you with the right help and advice to make sure you're journey to quitting can be successful. If you want to find out more about how to stop smoking use these free resources from the NHS


Drug Harm Reduction

The University doesn’t tolerate illegal drug use in its halls or on campus and if caught you can face disciplinary action or be excluded. However, the university recognises that a harm reduction approach to be the most appropriate first step to supporting students who may have drug related issues, and will try and offer support to students when it can.  This shouldn’t put you off reaching out to LTSU if you want safety information about drugs or you're worried about the impact of drug use on your wellbeing.

Be better informed about drug use

People use drugs and alcohol for a number of reasons, whilst the best way to avoid harm is not to take them at all there are several things you can do to ensure you reduce the risk you put yourself in when taking these substances.

We’ve compiled a variety of resources to help you get more information on drugs, alcohol and their effects;

Drugs and Me - Do you know which drugs might give you a bad experience when mixed with alcohol? Use this website for tips to reduce your risk depending on each substance you are taking.

Forward Leeds - How much do you know about the physiological and psychological effects of different drugs and how to avoid overdosing? Here is more information on illegal highs.

University Policy - The University doesn’t tolerate illegal drug use in its halls or on campus and if caught you can face disciplinary action or be excluded. This shouldn’t put you off reaching out to LTSU if you want safety information about drugs or you're worried about the impact of drug use on your wellbeing.


Alcohol Harm Reduction


Alcohol can be a risk when it is used incorrectly and in an unsafe environment. Forward Leeds is encouraging people to test their knowledge around alcohol and the health impacts of drinking in order to reduce the risks it can cause. 

There are plenty of good reasons to cut back on your drinking including:

  • Watching your weight

  • Sleeping better

  • Reducing stress

  • Avoiding hangovers

  • Staying healthier for longer


Take the online quiz by Forward Leeds to find out more about alcohol and you.


Self Help


You can access these self-help resources from the NHS to find out more information and where to go for help on a variety of topics including Anxiety, Eating Disorders, PTSD and more. These resources are completely free of charge and can be accessed 24/7. 


Your SU Advice opening hours are 09:00 to 17:00 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can also book an appointment online at https://www.ltsu.co.uk/advice/bookappointment/

As we are not on campus yet, please contact SUAdvice@leedstrinity.ac.uk or call on 0113 4673949, and we can make an appointment for you.

We are now offering an appointment based service for cases that may need more planning and support. If you feel that you have an urgent and more complex issue, please call us to book an appointment.

You have a right to see any data that we store on you, and further information can be found at www.ltsu.co.uk/privacy

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