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Academic Support and Advice


Many students will encounter difficulties around academic issues whilst studying. These can range from Appeals to Academic Misconduct.

The SU Advice Service is here to support you through these issues, and we advise you to speak to the Student Adviser in the first instance.


Your SU Advice opening hours are 09:00 to 17:00 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

You can also book an appointment online at https://www.ltsu.co.uk/advice/bookappointment/

As we are not on campus yet, please contact SUAdvice@leedstrinity.ac.uk and we can make an appointment for you.

We are now offering an appointment based service for cases that may need more planning and support. If you feel that you have an urgent and more complex issue, please call us to book an appointment.

You have a right to see any data that we store on you, and further information can be found at www.ltsu.co.uk/privacy


Extenuating Circumstances

During your time at University you might experience personal circumstances such as illness or bereavement, which may disrupt your ability to study or affect your performance in an assessment or an examination. These are referred to as 'extenuating circumstances' and should be reported to your Academic School as soon as they arise and before the School deadline.

Where extenuating circumstances are accepted there are a range of remedies that can be offered, such as an extension for submission of coursework, an additional attempt at an examination without being capped at the pass mark, or the discounting of affected marks from your overall degree classification.


What are Extenuating Circumstances?

The University defines extenuating circumstances as those that are:

  • severe and exceptional; and
  • unforeseen or unavoidable; and
  • close in time to the Assessment, or where the student can demonstrate that the circumstances continued to have an impact on their academic performance in the Assessment.

Such circumstances may be considered to have had an adverse impact on the student's academic performance in Assessment and/or have prevented a student from submitting a Coursework Assessment and/or attending a scheduled Assessment.


I need time away from University

It may be possible to apply for between two weeks and twelve months away from University through an Interruption of Study. We would recommend asking for advice before making an application to interrupt your study as there can be significant impacts on your study, finances and personal life.

The permitted grounds for taking an interruption are:

  • Ill health
  • Compassionate grounds
  • Financial hardship due to a change in circumstances beyond your control
  • Exceptional professional commitments for those studying a part-time course
  • Maternity leave
  • Parental leave
  • Academic grounds
  • Study abroad
  • Work experience relevant to your programme of study
  • Sabbatical office

You will need to submit your application via Student Support, explaining your grounds and attaching all relevant evidence. It is strongly advised that you speak to your Personal Tutor before submitting your application. We also recommend that you contact SU Advice to discuss the possible implications on your student finance and return to your programme.

You cannot apply for an interruption during a formal assessment period. If you are going to miss any formal assessments you will instead need to submit an extenuating circumstances form with evidence. Please speak to SU Advice for more information.


Making a complaint

There may be a circumstance where you feel that you may need to make a complaint about an issue you may be having whilst studying at the university.

In the first instance, we advise that you discuss this with the SU Advice service to establish what the appropriate steps to take next. We are also independent from the university and are able to represent and support you if needed.


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