Do I need a first aid kit for my club or society?
Yes. All Clubs and Societies need first aid kits that are full stocked. You can purchase these from any pharmacy or supermarket. If you are unsure, please contact a member of LTSU staff.
How do I start a new club or society?
We are excited to hear you are thinking about starting a new club or society. Please fill out the form below and tell us all about it. You will need at least 10 interested students to complete the form.
New Club/Society Form
Once complete, a member of the team will be in touch to discuss your application and inform you on the next steps.
What’s a constitution?
A constitution is your commitment for the year. It outlines your club/societies membership as well as your long and short term aims for the year, this means your student union can also support you through the year. No events can be planned without this.
No memberships can be bought which means no finances!
We only need one constitution to be filled out per club or society each year, so please make sure you have discussed this as a full committee. You can find this on the Policies and Procedures section of the committee hub.
Can I change my membership price?
Once the constitution has been set for the year, you cannot change your membership price.
Risk Assessments
Where do I find the risk assessment template. Why should I complete one?
On the events section of the Committee Hub.
These need to be completed in line with LTSU and the university’s health and safety policies and help ensure your event is insured. If anything happens at events and a risk assessment has not been completed, your group and members may be at risk.
Why do I need to fill out an event form?
First and foremost, any event related to your Club/Society, online, in person, on or off campus, needs an event form and to be approved.
It gives the Students’ Union information about your event, firstly so that we both can ensure safety for your members through Risk Assessments and secondly so that we can support and celebrate you.
Through the event form you can book rooms, give details about your event and must provide a risk assessment.
When do I need to fill out an event form and how do I do this?
We would always advise you submit these forms as soon as you have confirmed your event. However, here are the minimum amounts of notice we would need per type of event.
You must fill out the following form to get your event approved:
Society/Sports Club Events Form
How do I book a room?
Fill out an Event Form above and there is a section to request room bookings from a member of the Activities Team.
On Campus events with a room booking require 10 days' notice minimum. We would advise (room booking work part time)
How do I get into BUCS?
Join a Sports Club that competes in BUCS and your committee will sign you up!
I play an individual sport can I enter BUCS?
Yes! Contact ltsuactivities@leedstrinity.ac.uk to speak to us about this!
What do I do if my team want to Play Under Protest
Head to the Sports and BUCS section of the Committee Hub and fill in the Play Under Protest form and contact your Sports and Societies Coordinator as early as possible.
Committee Elections
How do I apply for a committee position?
When committee elections open, nominate yourself in the Committee Election part of the Elections page.
What should I know before applying for a committee position?
All of the role descriptors are in Committee Tools! Have a read and if you still have any questions, speak to your current committee or a member of the Activities Team.
Do I need to be a member of a club or society to run for a committee position?
Yes you need a membership from this academic year. Your membership goes toward your club/society accounts, and means you are insured for the year ahead.
Can alumni join clubs and societies?
Yes, however you cannot play in BUCS. For other competitions, check with your committee if you can compete. You can join all societies.
Can alumni play in Varsity?
As an alumni, you cannot play in Varsity.